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Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5:30PM

The lymphatic system is a fascinating body system. It consists of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymph fluid. Lymph fluid consists of water, waste products, and proteins. Lymph nodes are the filters for the lymph fluid, an the vessels are the transport system for the fluid.

We have lymph nodes throughout the body, but the largest clusters are located in the armpit, neck, and groin, Once the fluid is filtered by the nodes, it is transported back to the veins that take blood to the heart. The lymphatic system does not have a pump like the circulatory system. The lymph vessels are stimulated by muscle activity and also by massage.

Lymphatic massage is a very gentle, rhythmic massage that helps to balance body fluids, increase immune
function, and help circulation. It is most often used as part of the treatment protocol for those with lymphedema. It is also beneficial to maintain immune function, and help relieve swelling after surgery. It may help to promote a quicker surgical recovery if lymphatic massage is done before hand.

Other health issues that may benefit from this type of massage include: Chronic venous insufficiency to increase blood flow speed. Rheumatoid arthritis tissue swelling and pain, lymphedema, and firbromyalgia to help calm nerve inflammation and decrease swelling in the tissues.

Lymphatic massage strokes are very gently and rhythmic to stimulate the vessels to move the fluid. There are specific techniques used to direct fluid in the correct direction within the various watersheds of the body. This massage should only be performed by trained medical professionals such nurses, physical and occupational therapists, and licensed massage therapists.

If you are seeking this type of massage for reasons such as lymphedema or post-cosmetic surgery care, please make sure your practitioner has had more then just a “weekend warrior” lymphatic massage class.
